Sales is HARD. I’ll say it, Professor Sweet makes it look easy. Learning this from him was a wonderful experience because of his vast knowledge of how to do this well. Some things I learned have been to really invest in the person and ask questions. All too often we are caught up in selling the features rather than listening to the needs of the customer. Also, being able to separate sales from regular life is huge. There will be a ton of rejection in sales, being able to separate that and find your identity in Christ is a wonderful thing to learn early on. I always thought you needed to be an extrovert to be in sales, however, learning to be a good listener but also talk well when necessary is a great thing to learn. Finally, learning about client tendencies where they always lie, they do not know or share their real problem, and are cold to being sold to. A lot to really think and ponder if I go into sales. This all is huge for relationships and ministry too.

By Nate

One thought on “What I Learned In Sales”
  1. I agree with you that sales is HARD. It is easy to judge from the sidelines, but doing it is a different story, Continuing to work on fundamentals and staying positive about rejection allows your to maintain mostly stable in high pressure moments.

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