This semester we have been discussing many different types of sales. Something that I have been wondering about is how you decide on what type of sales person you are going to be. There are many factors that go into making this decision, such as your personality type, your job, and who you’re selling to.

The first persona I want to touch on is the typical, “cold call, get their attention in any way possible” type. This salesperson is your go-getter. They are willing to do whatever they can to get your sale.

Is this really going to make the sale?

The go-getter might come off as very confident and having the answers to any question you might have, but they might struggle to listen to what the customer really needs. There is good to being confident in your product, but make sure that you’re listening to the real pain and need of your prospective customer.

The next persona is the relaxed seller. This salesperson is known for being super chill and being willing to work with the customer to fit whatever they need.

Chill out fam

The relaxed salesperson, who I like to call Shaggy (if you haven’t seen Scooby Doo, go watch it you’re missing out) will certainly be easier to interact with, but they may not have the drive to close the sale. Be aware of still needing to seem confident and ambitious.

The third person I want to discuss is the underdog. This is generally someone coming from a startup company or a company that is often overlooked.

zoom zoom zoom

The underdog might not be as confident as the go-getter, and may be a bit more ambitious than Shaggy, but they are so driven to make the sale because they really want to succeed. As in almost every sports movie and super hero movie, we all want the underdog to win, so if you’re looking to get people’s attention in a genuine way, maybe strive to be the underdog.

3 thoughts on “What is your sales persona?”
  1. I absolutely love all of the accompnaying gifs/images you have with each persona. But seriously, I think you’re spot on for the “spectrum” of sellers that are out there. Some have almost too much drive, while others don’t have enough.

  2. This is great! I think its fascinating that within the world of sales there is such a diversity of styles and personas. I would assume I am a “go getter”. Because of this I’ve found that I need to tone down the amount of confidence I show to my prospects and focus more on listening and not getting to excited depending on the prospects social type.

  3. I agree that it is definitely important for people to figure out who they are selling to and based off of that, figure out how to shape their own personality into something that is genuine, yet fitting the mood of the conversation. Great post!

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