What truly makes an Entrepreneur? After hearing that it was not an introvert or extrovert that made a successful salesperson the question of what makes a successful entrepreneur came to my mind. Upon looking up this answer I was provided with a few websites that seemed to give the typical answer, “handwork, long nights, luck”, although I agree with all of these I was looking for the one attribute that tied all of these and more together. I was provided with the answer on the popular website entrepreneurship.com, Perseverance. Perseverance is defined as the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc.,especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. Its not just late nights or long days that make a successful entrepreneur, although they certainly pay off, there is definitely more. One of the interesting sections of the article I came across entitled What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? Perseverance. stated, “More than anything, entrepreneurship is a game of attrition. It’s about having the determination, the discipline, and the cash to see it through. It’s about not giving up and being the last man or woman standing when everyone else has fallen by the wayside.” It is a game of attrition. Any one can come up with a stellar idea, can claim to be a hard worker, but few can unlock enough  perseverance to see the plan through and succeed. Without realizing it almost everyone of us is an entrepreneur. We are always looking for ways to improve our situation, make something easier, or something as simple as looking at an existing product and thinking it would work better if this was adjusted. Our intuition and creativity we have access to enables us to take action when we want to, it is the individual who channels her or his perseverance that is the successful entrepreneur. 

One thought on “What Makes an Entrepreneur?”
  1. I liked how you pointed out how important perseverance was when talking about the lifestyles of entrepreneurs. Often times when you hear stories about how people grew their businesses, you hear people talk about their long nights. In order to gain an advantage on their competitors it was necessary to put in more time and more effort. This allowed for them to successfully grow their business. When the founder of Gecko Robotics came to speak here at Grove City, he talked about the many times he questioned if he should give up. Through this he had to show perseverance and it paid off for him in the end.

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