There are many characteristics that a good salesman should have. The article I read lists 12 habits that a successful salesman obtains. Although I thought they were all relevant, here are my top 5 that I thought were most important:

  1. know what you’re selling- A good salesman understands the product or service that the company is providing. When you know what you’re selling, you look more reliable. It also allows for customers to know all the information they need.
  2. be honest and stay positive- from having experience in sales, I know how easy it is to want to deceive your customers in order to make a sale. But at the end of the day, it’s best to always be truthful in what you’re saying so that you can build trust. Being positive can also be difficult in sales for many reasons, but its also best to realize that the sale didn’t work out and quickly move onto the next deal
  3. look for customers everywhere- You can find customers even outside of work hours. It’s all about connecting with people and finding their needs, even if that’s during work hours or not. Now, this doesn’t mean going out and aggressively trying to find people all the time, it should be a natural thing. Salesmen should always have good people skills and be able to relate to them. Don’t force it if the customer doesn’t seem interested!
  4. Follow up with customers- it’s smart to check in with buyers and ask for their feedback on the product/service. They’ll appreciate it way more, plus it seems more personal!
  5. understand your buyers- every buyer is going to be different. There isn’t a “one size fits all” approach to sales because everyone reacts/interacts in different ways. It’s best to feel them out before going into the conversation blindly.
One thought on “What Makes Up a Good Salesperson?”
  1. These tips are incredibly helpful for salespeople! I liked how some of the points were very focused on the customer. I often forget about the step of following up with customers. That is such a good way to build trust! It would be awesome if you could add the name of the article you read on the post so others can access the rest of the points!

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