The movie “Matilda” was always one of my favorites during my childhood. Matilda, being the sweet child she is, has a dad that makes a living by selling stolen cars. Her dad, Harry Wormwood, tampers with cars to make them seem less broken down than they really are, and asks for a lot more than what the car is really worth. So, he’s a car salesman.

As a society, I think many people think of a kind of guy like Matilda’s dad when they initially think of sales. Dishonest, untrustworthy, pushy, and trying to convince you to buy something that you really don’t actually want just so that they can make more money. Now, I am not saying that these kind of salesmen aren’t actually out there, but I would say the vast majority of salesman actually have good intent behind what they do.

I think one of the number one things that salesman need to do is be honest with your customer. If you aren’t honest, you can damage your reputation, your new customer will not be satisfied for long, and ultimately, you’ll contribute to those sales stereotypes. being hones is step one. Honestly is crucial when building those relationships with customers. Once they can tell that you’re being a genuine person, then that trust is built and you can grow in the relationship you have with them. Yes, just like Harry Wormwood, lying and cheating seems like the easy route to make money and get better numbers when it comes to sales, but, ultimately, it’s not going to get you too far.

3 thoughts on “What Not to do in Sales”
  1. Matilda was a childhood favorite of mine too! He was so scary as a child, but you are exactly right- he isn’t good at his job and it will catch up with him. You made some excellent points about integrity. I appreciate your honest viewpoint!

  2. I totally agree with your thoughts here. Honesty is one of the most honorable traits any human can hold. When a salesperson conducts their business with 100% honesty they are doing it right. Not only for providing their customers with a great experience, but doing work that is pleasing to the Lord.

  3. I enjoyed reading this a lot, being honest is the best thing you can do in sales if anything else being honest is the best thing you can do no matter what happens. Even if the sale doesn’t work out you can still say to yourself you did your best without manipulating the customer. Very good post!

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