Before I took this class, I had a different outlook on sales. I saw it as the “bribing people of their money” job. I learned that that’s actually the opposite of what sales should be. As a follower of Christ, I want everything that I do to glorify Him, and I think the right way of selling does just that. It’s not all about persuasion and manipulation, it’s really about trying to help people solve their problems. As Christians, it is a calling of ours to always people out, no matter who they are or what their background is. Sales is about providing solutions to help make their lives a little bit easier, which I think connects back to what we are called to do. Another thing that I learned about sales is anyone can go into the field. As someone who is not the most social person ever, I never thought sales would be for me. But, once I learned that it’s not all about the personality but it’s skills that can be developed in everyone I then had a different outlook on the field. You really just need to be able to talk to people and also have a heart for people. You want to be there to help them out, not just take their money. It’s a lot more of a truthful, genuine field than what I always thought it was. It’s about building relationships, providing value and help, offering solutions. Yes, we may run into a pushy and aggressive salesmen here and there, but that’s what the field as a whole is about. Another thing I’ve realized is that sales is incorporated in a lot more jobs than you think. You don’t have to be just in sales in order to do selling. These types of tricks and tips that we’ve learned in class can really apply to any field that deals with people. All in all, I’m so glad I took this class this semester because it truly taught me to have a different outlook on sales and learn what it’s really about.

5 thoughts on “What Sales in the Startup Has Taught Me-Post 10”
  1. This post is so true. I had a negative view of sales and salespeople going into this class, but when looking at it through a biblical lense it is such a tool! We can show the love of Christ while selling in so many ways, like you said. Salespeople have a unique opportunity to help others and go against the stereotype that sales has accumulated.

  2. This is such a true and relatable post. I feel so many similar ways about this class. It was able to open my eyes to the importance of listening and simply loving people in all fields of work because selling is a part of everything (whether its monetary or not). I love your comments about how living for Jesus will bleed into success in all areas in life and how His way of doing things is actually so beneficial, not just for life but sales as well.

  3. Liv Son! Great post!! I really enjoyed reading your blog post and it is safe to say that felt exactly like you before taking this class. Through this class I was able to learn very similar things to you. I definitely have a different outlook on sales now!

  4. I feel the same in a bunch of ways. this was a pretty sweet class and I feel like its application will be one that I keep with me for the rest of my life.

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