Rule #38, the problem the prospect brings you is never the real problem. This is a great rule because it highlights that not even the prospect might know their problem or the real driving force behind that problem. This is a great rule to keep in mind for knowing that you need to ask open ended questions to find their real pain. This shows us how important it is to build a relationship and common ground to let others open up. The rule also tells us to look at it from a different perspective and understand the different angles and causes that could be driving the perspectives pain and therefore their problem. This rule also shows that their could be false premises and pains that are brought to you; because of this,  you need to stay aware of the answers brought to you. This rule is one of the most important rules to keep in mind.

2 thoughts on “What’s the problem?”
  1. I think that rule #38, truly highlights why it is important for salespeople to discover the true pain of their clients and customers. If you cannot correctly identify what the customer’s true pain is, much of the work and effort may have been wasted. We should assume that the customer is lying, instead of assuming that they are an “open-book.”

  2. We need to address rule #38 a lot when we are selling. Being taught to dig for pain is a very important skill but just because we find a little gold does not mean we should stop. We should continue digging because we may be able to find more. It is important to not neglect the other problems that the customer has but you should continue to find the problem at hand.

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