As Entrepreneurs at Grove City, one thing we learn a lot about is how to combine our faith with the world of start-ups and businesses, with sales, marketing and with being successful but holding true to our faith and representing Christ well.

I was particularly inspired this when Praxis was at Grove City. These are entrepreneurs who are not only small business owners of successful for profit and non-profit companies, but individuals dedicated and determined to change culture through their business. One thing that really caught my attention is how Praxis approaches creating a business model. They ask themselves a series of questions:

  1. Theological Vision (Where is God’s heart?)
  2. Cultural exegesis (Where is our world at, what is going on in the world?)
  3. How can we respond creatively to these things?
  4. How are we going to change the world (cultural Impact)

They used the example of the Save the Storks and how they responded to these questions:

1. Protect the vulnerable
2. Violent responses by protesters outside abortion clinics, no civility, mothers don’t have many other choices
3. Stork bus
4. 4/5 women after getting a sonogram in the bus chose not to have an abortion

To tie this all back to selling – when you are selling your product you are also selling yourself and the mission of the company. You are a representation of what is behind whatever you are selling. What you are selling is having an impact on culture in some way, and it is really important to be intentional about whether that is a positive or negative impact.

4 thoughts on “What’s Your Message”
  1. Praxis is a great example of incorporating Christ in all you do. Living out faith and entrepreneurship! Before hearing about Praxis, I never really thought of the possibilities and incorporating Christ in our professional life and all we do. It was a great workshop.

  2. You make a great point about being a good representation of your business or whatever you are selling, especially your faith. Save the Storks is an awesome example of answering those questions. I am a huge fan of Save the Storks and glad you used them as an example.

  3. Great Blog Post! I attended Praxis at Biola this summer. It was a wonderful experience and I learned so much about incorporating my faith with the entrepreneurial world. Your blog post reminded me that when one sells they are not only representing their company but more importantly their faith and character.

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