This is a skill most often overlooked and some would say not needed. Some deals just aren’t meant to be made. There are different ways tp leave a deal. Here are some examples.

You may want to stop selling to a prospect if they are in a long-term contract. This doesn’t mean things wouldn’t work out, but they wouldn’t just yet. So in this case it is best to swap contacts with the customer and keep up to date with them (no a daily basis that is obnoxious) but just to leave a reminder that you are another asset that they could have when the time is right. When the time comes closer to their deal ending then you should begin to contact them more and schedule a face to face meeting showing what you can offer.

Another time to walk away is if the deal isn’t meant for you. Some businesses may be dysfunctional and could take away a lot of your time for little to no gain. In those instances I think it is simply best to thank the customer for meeting but that you simply don’t think your service is meant for them.

It is important for a salesperson to look at the businesses past history before entering negotiations. My dad has told me of businesses who they almost sigh million dollar deals with and then do some more background on the company and find out that they haven’t paid previous company’s in which they have done business with.

2 thoughts on “When is it okay to walk away from a deal?”
  1. Time is everything in the business world and wasting it is never a good thing. I completely agree with the idea behind this article. If you know that a business is too risky to take a chance with when it comes to whether or not they may be worth it; you might as well just start cold calling other businesses right away.

  2. There are definitely times when it is good to walk away from a deal. A lot of salespeople want to go for whatever deals they can get, but it is important to look at all aspects of the deal and make sure the relationship will be a good one. If it is not, it is okay to just say that you don’t think this will be a good relationship and we shouldn’t go forward with the deal at this time.

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