I know in class, and throughout our readings we talk about how old selling techniques and sneaky methods have been hung out to dry, but one thing that I’ve noticed is we should stop being sneaky with out customers not only because it’s morally wrong but also because it simply doesn’t work. With the amount of information symmetry in the consumer world today, it is almost impossible to pull something over the customer. They know the selling price, what makes the product quality, and they have access to the technique that you’re using to sell to them right at that moment. Because of this, being sneaky and trying to trick them not only doesn’t work but it destroys any trust that you and/or your brand has built up in the past. So moral of the story….DON’T LIE.

One thought on “Why deceptive selling doesn’t work”
  1. Great post short and to the point. I completely agree that its become almost impossible to lie to a customer about price or about the product because of the Internet. Practicing good morals will take you further than cheating and lying.

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