Among the various methods of getting a product into a customer’s hands, one age-old method retains the largest success.  This method is that of direct sales.

What is direct sales?  Direct sales is a person-to-person sales interaction.  Rather than simply sending out catalogs or having a product out on the World Wide Web for individuals to independently select for viewing and purchase, direct sales is more personal, more educational, and more convenient.

More Personal

Direct sales allows a relationship to be built between salesperson and buyer.  The trust build is invaluable to the life of the product for the purpose of customer service and service to the product.  For example, if the product breaks and you have a good relationship with your salesperson, then most likely you may be able to get a replacement.

More Educational

When you are interacting with an individual who has most likely been through training and has been through the process before, the interaction becomes more educational.  Most likely, the salesperson is not “new” to the job and is an expert in the product/field.

More Convenient

When you have to research everything yourself, purchasing a product can take hours.  Sometimes this process can elongated to days and even weeks!  A direct salesperson has all the information organized into a presentation and is willing to answer any questions you may have.

One thought on “Why Direct Sales?”
  1. I love the practicality of this concept. I absolutely agree that the personal connection of a sale is what is the primary factor a consumer looks for in regard to whether or not they end up purchasing whatever you have to offer. Convenience, education, and the personal aspects of this model of selling are all absolutely validated by customers. Great post!

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