Forbes released an article entitled “Why We Buy: The 3 Social Selling Factors That Make or Break a Sale” and it was quite good. In this post I will be going through each of the three and explaining the point, along with perceived efficacy.

According to this article the first step is the “engage the whole brain”. It explained how we engage with brands on three separate levels, rational, emotional and instinctual. It argues that each facet functions almost as a separate brain, and it is crucial that we address and engage all three.

The second step is to “reinforce the customer experience”. We do this by ensuring the customer associates positive experiences and emotions with the brand. This can happen via mobile app, website, product, advertising, in-store experience, etc. We can train an attitude towards a specific brand by giving repetitive, positive feelings about said brand.

The third step reported was to “forge compelling brand associations” utilizing a 3-pronged approach. Create a customer advisory team, create a conversation calendar with “3 brain” messaging, and repeat steps one and two. The goal of this step is to ensure that customers are focused on, with the end being a indisputably positive association with your brand.

This article was a great reminder that a big part of customers becoming buyers is not necessarily your product, but the associations that they have with your brand. Focusing on that and making it a priority is a vital part of the sales process.

2 thoughts on “Why We Buy”
  1. This article about our reactions to brands is actually so true. That is interesting how the salesman has to work to engage all three ways we recognize brands.

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