Often individuals in sales are portrayed as greedy individuals who are only looking at forthemsleves. A true salesman should look out for both himself and the individual to which they are selling to. If you foster a strong foundation for your relationship with your clientele then it will pay back time and time again. Although salesman often work on commission and are highly motivated to sell, closing the sale should not always be the absolute goal. If the relationship is only beneficial for one party, then this will have the high possibility in resulting in a negative outcome in the long-term. If both parties truly fit, the relationship will benefit. This will require the salesmen to be honest when evaluating an individual with regards to his product, personality, and lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “Win Win Situation”
  1. I like how you mentioned that the salesman should be truly concerned with helping his client. There is a lot of value in creating relationships built on trust, not sales tactics. Ideally, both parties benefit each other!

    1. I love the idea of a win-win situation and product. It truly gives the opportunity to find out the needs and wants of the customer and put their best interest forward. Even the denial of a sale due to them not needing the product can be viewed as a win-win because the customer is not returning or haggling your customer service representatives for a refund or poor purchase and the customer isn’t paying for something they do not desire.

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