Hearing Evan talk about various sales tactics to make a habit of have helped me gain an important perspective on what it means to commit to ethical and strategic sales methods. In the first session with Evan, he shared with us what we should be thinking about in our journey to reach $1 million in profit as a business. These include selling the simple, embracing the unscalable, and selling into the spend. Selling the simple means that as salespeople and entrepreneurs, we often complicate things and try to oversell. An implication to this means that we should be mindful of talking in fancy lingo to prospects in a manner that will go over their heads. With embracing the unscalable, he described this as being willing to sacrifice and work hard in order to get where you are going. Often times as entrepreneurs, stories over stigmatized about living poor lifestyles until a big opportunity arises. These kinds of stories often fail to emphasize the importance of getting out into the open and taking advantage of your situations to get where you are going. These strategies should not only be put into action when you have your eyes set on a specific goal such as getting the first $1 million in your business, but they should also be implemented as habits. Last, Evan described selling into the spend as easing into closing the sale to counteract the stereotype of the “pushy” salesperson. Evan ended this first session of wisdom by relating these tactics to the fact that product market fit has shifted to founder market fit. This means that the founder establishes the foundation for the rest of the company. The founder determines the standard for other employees’ ability to listen to the customer and determine what is best for the prospects through believing and living out the story and mission of the company.

2 thoughts on “Wisdom of Evan Adams Pt. 1”
  1. Evan has been a very useful resource to our class with his visits. He perspective from the real world has been more than helpful in realizing how complex yet simple sales can be. He is a great example of the thought of keep pushing and do not give up in the world of sales and eventually you will get your big break. His ability to think quick on his feet is awesome to hear about and although difficult to pick up is a very useful skill when selling.

    1. I agree with his tactics and techniques for how to sell well. Being able to sell into the spend, as in what they already are buying, but making it better, is a different way to look at it and I greatly agree with how important that can be. In addition, selling the simple is key to a startup because they often want to get everything up and rolling all at once even though they haven’t perfected their product yet. This can often lead to large losses of money, but having a simple product that works well and has excellent quality will get you a lot further in the selling process.

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