I had an experience as a buyer this past weekend, and I’m interested to see if anyone else shares this experience/feeling or not.

I received a Kindle for my birthday, and I went online to order a case for it.  I found that there were hundreds of options to choose from, and I had no idea where to start.  Many of the reviews were mixed, and I had difficulty finding specifics about how each of the cases attached to the device, etc.  I found myself becoming frustrated that I couldn’t simply go to a store and ask a salesperson or see the cases in person.  It felt very similar to buying a case for my phone, except when it comes to phone cases, it’s easy to see many different versions in person, you can simply look around the dining hall or a classroom to get a feel for what people like.

The internet has certainly made buying faster and at times easier, but I wonder if it gives us too many options.  Was it really necessary for me to read hundreds of reviews for dozens of Kindle cases to find the right one?  I find that this is not an uncommon scenario, though.  People get so caught up in the reviews of a product that they will waste a lot of time making an inane decision.  Amazon is a great place to get practically anything you need, but it could use an online sales person to make purchases of new items easier and less stressful for customers.

2 thoughts on “Wishing for a Sales Person”
  1. I have felt this way many times as well! I think that this is not an uncommon feeling and that as technology is catching evolving people are noticing this as a problem. I would not be surprised if you start seeing a change in just this in the near future.

  2. I too have felt this many times (and I know a lot of other people have as well). It will be interesting to see how it changes/is dealt with in the future. Your title also was creative and caught my eye.

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