In the article, What Saleswomen Do Really, Really Well, the author describes some of the way’s women are able to outsell many men in the same field. Throughout history many think of men due to the fact that Hollywood has made sure of it. The biggest thing that the author emphasizes is that women understand relationships are built on trust, and women are usually better at making strong personal relationships with people. Women usually better understand the power of proactively asking for referrals and understand the importance of investing in building their referral networks. The author talks about how saleswomen are sometimes unheard because of their gender and are overlooked when they advocate for stepping back from a quick solution and taking their time to resolve it. Many believe that they are overreacting to the situation and there’s no need for a long drawn out solution when a quick one will do the trick.

She also talks about how salesmen are sometimes to blame for communication gaps between the genders, but saleswomen can also be the blame. The author discusses how women in sales need to understand that this is how the work place is in sales, and women need to take it upon themselves to learn how to be heard in a sales environment. She explains that to become successful with a large referral network, a woman needs to no worry about what anyone says and focus on what it takes to become a successful woman in the sales career. It is interesting that women are outselling men but when you really take a step back and look at the facts it makes sense. Women are usually easy to trust and that is a huge part of sales. As a man I will admit that in a sales setting I am usually more willing to believe a woman than a man and I think that is because I find them to be more trusting.

One thought on “Women In Sales”
  1. I can definitely relate to this article. I find myself not speaking up often and I understand how that can cause a communication barrier. I do think it can be hard for women to feeling comfortable in the sales role, but also i think the relationship aspect is something that women can really excel at and for that reason it is important to women to know sales is definitely a viable career path.

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