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I think many times in my life when I encounter failure my goal is to move past it. Although moving onto your next goal is important, this week in sales we learned how important it can be to analyze what went wrong.

Whether you are a great sales person or the worst, failure is inevitable. Therefore, it is extremely important the way you debrief negative experiences. People with a positive explanatory style tend to think of failure as external, limited, and specific. Whereas people with a negative explanatory style tend to think of failure as personal, permanent, and pervasive. Studies show that people who have a positive explanatory style, tend to be much more successful than their negative counter parts. This shows that failure is not just a past event but continues to affect people’s future success as well.

The way we view failure can sometimes shape how we view ourselves. However, it is at times like these where we must remember the words said in our in-class movie Hitch.

“you are a very fluid concept right now”.

The fact is we are constantly going up and down, we can never truly be either a success or a failure. As we enter the world of sales, we must remember that everyday is a chance to get better and to learn. You, as a sales person, are constantly being molded by your experiences. You cannot find what works for one customer and only do it that way the rest of your carrier. You must be fluid so that you can learn from your failures and adapt to your surroundings.

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