Sandler Rule # 43 ” You don’t learn by getting an A”

When you get a no from customers you immediate reaction should not be to be upset but you should take these two steps

1. Change you focus
2. Don’t fear the no

If you go for a no as a salesperson instead of the maybe or “let me think about it”, you are going to be much more likely to receive a yes down the road. This allows for the pressure of a yes to be eliminated too. A sales person is going to do better if he is not fearing rejection, than if he is constantly fearing rejection and trying to make a no a yes.

This rule also ties along with buoyancy, being able to recover from the no and move onto the next client.

If a sales person can change their focus from being afraid of rejection to embracing it and looking at it as another step closer to a yes, then the sales process is going to become a lot smoother for them.

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