We live in a world today which is constantly moving.  That sole idea is the driving force behind new purchases in the business world.  Even though that point speaks volumes to the growth in the sales field, it also brings to mind another insight.  There are so many solutions and products for one problem.

This is where the salesmen comes into play.  As a professional salesman, you need to find the best way to differentiate your product from a competitors.  Traditionally, it was the bells and whistles of the product that attracted the focus of the buyer.  Nowadays, not only do the features of the product matter, but also the relationship you have with the buyer.  Getting to know the buyer before talking any business can go a long way.  It shows them that you actually care about them as not only as a paycheck, but as a friend.  The buyer wants to know that you will be there for them with any questions/problems they have with the product.  This is the main purpose of the “Follow-up” in sales cycle…to keep your client-relationship going.

Maintaining a relationship with the client can pay off in several ways.  The most positive thing that can come from keeping a relationship going is the fact that people can connect you with other people in the business.  Running with a lead that was reffered to you from a friend has been proven to be significantly more adventagous.


3 thoughts on “You’re selling a relationship with the Product”
  1. I agree with this. It seems that relationships are the most important factor in getting sales. Without building and maintaining healthy customer relationships, a computer could easily replace you.

  2. This is an excellent point, and I think that as our world becomes increasingly more technical it will continue to become more important. People get tons of communications every day that are impersonal and simply generated by a computer. Learning to have a personal relationship with people will really shine through and make a difference.

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