Social Media & SEO

In today’s digital world, it is becoming increasingly clear that social media is a necessity for any business. Social media is a great way to connect with existing customers, but it is also a great way to attract internet traffic to grow a business as well. Social media SEO combines SEO strategies with social media in order to make a business more noticeable, accessible, and (ideally) successful.

Social media works well with SEO because they both focus on bringing the right content to interested consumers. Hashtags and keywords in captions on social media function very similarly to SEO in delivering content to people who are searching for it. So, SEO keyword research comes into play with writing effective post captions and hashtags. Another benefit of using social media with SEO is that it provides a platform for users to give and share product feedback with others. If someone searches for a specific company or product, they can be connected with thousands of photo and/or video reviews that can make the company/product seem more credible. Social media also provides the option for a company to get feedback directly from consumers in the form of polls or reviews, which in turn can help the company improve their SEO and social media use.

Social media can impact SEO by helping customers discover content that may not be immediately evident with a Google search. Most people searching on Google only click on options from page one, but this is a difficult position for a company to attain. Social media provides another way for companies to be noticed. Additionally, social media can help a company to build their brand and expose it to more people. The use of hashtags and multiple social media platforms can increase traffic for the company. Overall, using social media with SEO can increase a company’s credibility and help to grow the business, making social media a vital partner to SEO.

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2 Responses

  1. Mia Campagna says:

    I agree with everything you said and the fact that social media is becoming a leading way that a lot of people search in today’s world. Instead of Google, sometimes it is easier to type something you’re interested in searching into Instagram or Facebook. Hashtags are a big part of searching in these platforms as well. I liked how you mentioned social media for businesses. It is definitely important for a business to have social media to get recognized more and increase the traffic for your company.

  2. LinnikED20 says:

    Great post on social media and how it relates to SEO! You had some great points in there, like credibility that social media can create, along with hashtags and keywords in captions that help people find what they’re looking for.

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