The 4 Types of SEO

There are four types of SEO. On-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO. White hat, black hat, and grey hat are different approaches to SEO.

On-page SEO is activity that happens directly on the page or site. Optimization for this includes factors like keywords, descriptions, titles, images, headers, etc.

Off-page SEO focuses on all the activity outside of the website.

Technical SEO doesn’t deal with page content, but instead improves organic search results by making it easier for visitors to navigate.

Local SEO is location/geographically specific, and deals with rankings in states, cities, or towns. Its main function is to increase a company’s online presence within a desired state.

White hat SEO is said to be the best approach that helps you rank your website without creating problems for yourself with search engines. Some white hat techniques include publishing high quality text content, creating a user-friendly site, sharing your page link on social media, and optimizing HTML.

Black hat SEO is the faster way to get results through exploiting the algorithm. This is not the best way because it is a short-lived method. Some black hat techniques include link spamming, keyword stuffing, over-optimized HTML tags and headings, using too many pictures, hidden texts/links, buying backlinks, and publishing copied text.

Grey hat SEO is a mix of both white and black hat SEO tactics. It’s still not the best tactic because, as the name says, it has a grey area where it’s not bad, but it’s not good either. Some grey hat techniques include publishing spun content written by inefficient bots, paying for false reviews, exchanging links, and publishing articles with clickbait headlines.

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One Response

  1. Emma Rossi says:

    This is a very informative blog post. It’s really useful for beginners to the subject of SEO.

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