Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO focuses on the use of search engine optimization in order to generate more traffic for an online store. For instance, on Google, 10 organic search results appear within the first page of results from any search. It is the most ideal for any online retailer to appear within this first page of results in order to gain the most shopping traffic possible. In fact, if a site appears even on the second page of search results, it will rarely be found by searchers. A 2019 study revealed that only 0.78% of searchers click on a link appearing in page two. Careful use of ecommerce SEO is crucial for online retailers looking to generate as much traffic as possible to sell their products.

One important step of ecommerce SEO is keyword research targeted toward the buying intent of searchers. In other words, what key words and/or phrases do shoppers use when they are searching for a product like yours to purchase? The Google ‘search autofill’ and ‘related searches’ functions can be excellent tools to play around with when looking for keyword ideas related to your company and products. Once you have a list of keyword ideas, you can narrow then down to the keywords that produce the highest volume of searches while also having the lowest competition with other companies.

On your site itself, it is important that the structure of your site is simple and easy for shoppers to navigate, while also being easy to grow as you add more products to your company. Your site will also be more popular if it is optimized for photos and product pages to load quickly when clicked on. If any part of your site takes too long to load, shoppers will likely leave and go to another site instead. Companies should also use specific and descriptive title tags and product descriptions on their site. Long, in-depth product descriptions are more unique and less likely to get lost in the sea of search results. Plus, shoppers may be more likely to buy from you if more information is available about your product than a competitor’s.

Ecommerce SEO is a vital tool for companies hoping to generate traffic from online shoppers. To read more about ecommerce SEO, visit

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4 Responses

  1. guidajt22 says:

    Fascinating how buying from google the keywords people use for looking for your site can severely boost your business and give you inside intelligence. Google has a great market here and I know this is probably pretty expensive which is probably why larger companies trump smaller E-commerce sites.

  2. hoviscc22 says:

    It’s daunting how Google’s algorithm on ranking a website’s authority can either make or break a business’s online sales. Your blog highlights the importance of making the first page of the results. SEO is key to this, and if you don’t regulate your website appropriately your website will not be deemed authoritative by Google. All in all, your blog shows the importance of SEO in ecommerce.

  3. crowleymt21 says:

    My own personal experience jives with your research. Typically, if I don’t find what I’m looking for on the first page of search results, I modify my search instead of going to page two. I also am more wary of websites showing up on page two, and am often less confident that they are legitimate sites.

    If you have an e-commerce business, showing up on the first page of Google is definitely crucial as far as driving traffic to your site is concerned, no question about it.

  4. talkorf19 says:

    Great example of the importance of getting on the first page of Google. I rarely go to the second page of Google, unless I really need to find something. Most people will just refine their search and look for something different.

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