SEO and Psychology

Just as there are two types of SEO (on-site and off-site), there are also two ways psychology interacts with SEO. Firstly, SEO done well has to be done with the end user in mind. When finding the most effective keywords, one must understand the target audience and how they would word their searches. Searches come from need. The way the audience views their own need will also inform their searches. In this way, SEO is ridden with a need for psychological understanding.

On the other hand, as a student, I think that studying SEO will make a psychological impact on myself. One of the reasons I was drawn to Marketing as a major was because making sure people knew what was available to them seemed so crucial to the success of a company. So many good companies drown in competition. With the internet shaping the nature of competition in the modern world, launching a website for anything becomes incredibly intimidating. Studying SEO to me is like facing a fear. Instead of being overwhelmed by the unlikelihood of being a top result or sheer competition, learning the system and doing what can be done to get the site found.

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3 Responses

  1. botkintj19 says:

    Psychology in SEO is very important as well as in sales and in marketing. How are we supposed to reach people if we don’t understand the psychology about it and not only about people but about our specific target market.

  2. fiscuseg21 says:

    I think it is really interesting how you are connecting SEO with psychology! There is so much psychology involved in the way we conduct searches every day and in the way we choose which search results to click on, but we hardly ever give it a second thought. Getting to the bottom of this psychology can help companies use SEO effectively and generate traffic for their sites.

  3. David Kraus says:

    Wow great post! I think that this is very accurate and you definitely need to think about the end user when doing SEO as it is important for making sure that are actually reaching the target customer and even people that are in your general range of search.

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