The IoT and Its Influence on SEO

Since essentially the beginning of civilization, libraries have served as our fundamental access to information. Some people went to their local library to conduct research, write a case study, or perhaps for entertainment purposes. Less than a century later, libraries rank second in terms of research applicability and convenience. As we continue to expand mankind’s technological capabilities, our dependence on the internet is increasing. Some people would likely find it difficult to live without the Internet of Things (IoT). The internet really is everywhere that we go. Our transportation, be it cars, can be connected to our mobile devices. Even more, we can watch our homes from the view of a Ring Doorbell camera, as we safely guard our property. The IoT is the string that ties our world together.

For numerous reasons, people should take the appropriate steps to increase their awareness of the IoT, especially in how it impacts SEO strategies. Some fear that the expansive access to the IoT comes with safety issues or technological glitches as it attempts to be compatible with the tech.

Existing concerns of the IoT are valid. However, like any technological advancement, there are procedures that will be fixed. It will take time to improve the existing processes. Nonetheless, the optics are in favor of IoT.

As the IoT grows, we can be optimistic of how it will open up opportunities for SEO improvements. For example, voice commands are increasing as opposed to long strings of keywords. This method of search is changing. In 2023, 50% of searches are predicted to be made with voice commands on devices such as Alexa and Siri. This shift has awakened focus on “creating context that can be easily processed and evaluated by these devices” (Braun 4). Most users prefer the quick phrases over specific sentences that require a long strand of keywords. If you were creating content to better optimize SEO, it is suggested to pair questions and answers on your page because it will highlight your content on the IoT.

As the IoT shifts from keywords to voice commands, there has been a noticeable decline in the visual emphasis of content. However, before someone working in SEO fully shifts attention towards auditory, they need to understand their Buyer’s Persona. For instance, does your buyer utilize phones, personal computers, smart watches, or Siri to conduct searches? If your buyer utilizes a phone or PC, then focus and care should be placed on the visual appeal. On the contrary, if your consumers Buyer Persona relies heavily on voice command technology, start shifting focus from SERP and towards voice control.

In the end, IoT enables users to do many activities with its functions. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the valid safety concerns around hacking, theft of data and personal information, and general issues that can arise from the IoT. Various regulatory bodies have and are actively taking measures to protect users from criminal cyber activity, which means as a user and as someone who creates content, you must be aware of updated regulation.


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