What I Hope To Get Out of This Class

I thought it would be a good idea for my first post to discuss some of what I would like to get out of this SEO class with professor Sweet.

First and foremost, I hope to gain a better understanding of SEO. I suspect that we probably all have at least a basic understanding of what SEO is, but it will be good to get a more in-depth understanding. SEO is incredibly important to the modern world and is something that most of us will likely find handy to be familiar with in our futures. I know that I will certainly find it useful.

Even something as simple as posting an item for sale on Craigslist or eBay involves SEO. Interestingly, the keywords used in a posting can positively or negatively affect the amount of traffic it gets. A person could post an extremely desirable item, but without good SEO, that item might get lost in the shuffle and never be found. I suspect that most of us will post things for sale online in our futures (or have already done so). Knowing some SEO to optimize our postings will be a huge asset. I know that it will help me with my online listings.

That is just one example of a way that I see the information I hope to glean in this SEO class impacting and bettering my future. There are many other ways, too. All in all, I hope to gain a better understanding of SEO and how to optimize a page or listing to maximize traffic from the right people.

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