ChatGPT: Your SEO Keyword Finder

Keyword Research is a crucial part of SEO. It is the first thing you do when trying to create an SEO Strategy. It is the base on which you build your online brand presence. With so much relying upon this first step, what if you could just be that much more sure that it has all your bases covered. ChatGPT is the tool to help you gain that additional confidence.

The secret sauce behind using ChatGPT for finding SEO keywords is in the prompt. In the end, the simpler the prompt, the simpler the keywords. This is a great place to start though. A simple prompt of, “Give me 10 keywords related to (Insert subject)” will provide you with 10 basic keywords. With these base level keywords, you an find more detailed or long-tailed keywords by using those exact words. For example, “Find 10 long-tail/detailed keywords for (Insert subject)” will yield more defined results. You can insert any descriptive words in front of “keywords” to find specific or more defined keywords.

In addition, you can also use it in other parts of the keyword research phase. You could even have it generate a list of questions people ask about a certain subject enabling you to find out what people might be searching. Or you could have it organize your current list of keywords to find subject areas you can write content about. Or you could create long detailed prompts in order to greatly specify the outcome. ChatGPT can be used throughout the SEO process, however, the keyword research process is where it can really come into use.

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2 Responses

  1. hoviscc22 says:

    Artificial intelligence is only becoming more prevalent in our world. As time goes on, it is only going to become more advanced. Right now, it could be really beneficial for sparking ideas for crucial keywords to use. I personally don’t like using ChatGPT, but I can see how it could be helpful. For SEO, artificial intelligence can be an extremely helpful tool for coming up with fresh ideas.

  2. crowleymt21 says:

    Chat GPT sounds like an incredibly helpful tool for anyone trying to do SEO. I have a feeling that we will all become accustomed to using it by the end of the semester!

    It’s pretty amazing that technology like this exists. I have to wonder how many businesses with websites have never used something like this before and are instead just guessing at keywords.

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