Having the right SEO strategy

Many assume SEO is too “high tech” and is not worth investing in. The Google algorithm might look way too complicated to understand. You might think that you need a sophisticated strategy. However, it is something that every business should consider. With a simple strategy, there are proven positive results. In order to be ranked high in Google search results, your business needs to be seen as the first within its group and you have to publish what people are looking for. Make sure what you write within your website matches what your business is about, then Google can understand the industry of your business. Accurately describe what your business is about on your title page of the website. Writing blog posts consistently can also create more traffic to your website and will strengthen your online presence in the niche your business is in. The more you have on your website, the more Google can understand you and correctly add your website to its algorithm. And, with more detail within the website, the more customers can get to know you and see what your company is all about. SEO may seem extra and unnecessary for your business, and it might take extra time and energy to add SEO to your brand. But staying consistent and continually adding more to your website will increase website traffic and your chance of being ranked high in Google search results.

Link to article: Why SEO Is Much Easier Than You Think (entrepreneur.com)

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2 Responses

  1. welkersg21 says:

    SEO does seem somewhat intimidating at first! This article and your post does a great job of demystifying it. You also do a great job of explaining the strategy of SEO and giving examples of how to help a businesses website.

  2. mapesam20 says:

    I can agree that SEO seems intimidating and expensive at first. Before starting this class, I viewed SEO as paying for ad space on Google. However, like you mentioned, there are simple and inexpensive ways to improve SEO. Furthermore, there are plenty of free tools to enhance your SEO.

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