Search Engine Optimization and AI

Recently, artificial intelligence technology has been integrated into search engines. Starting with Microsoft’s ChatGPT, companies like Google and China’s Baidu have been quick to follow suit. This change has the potential to change the way we use search and how we view Microsoft.

              Microsoft’s ChatGPT has the power to answer questions in a more conversational tone. Instead of typing in a search like “best restaurants” and links to the websites of various websites appearing, the user would type “can you recommend a few restaurants for me?” and ChatGPT would generate a typed out response listing some local restaurants. ChatGPT can also perform tasks such as generating a shopping list and comparing TV shows, among several new features. This change in search terms drastically changes how we should optimize our websites. I would anticipate that we need to begin focusing on longer keywords, including full sentences as opposed to 2-5 words.

              This new search engine may change or even reduce the traffic to specific websites. When ChatGPT generates a response, it creates its own written answer and simply sites the websites it received its information from. If people can find the answer they need from ChatGPT’s response, why would they click over to our website? This will pose a unique challenge to SEO.

              There have been several other concerns with ChatGPT and using artificial intelligence to conduct searches. Many test users have noted the extended time it takes to conduct a search. Microsoft is notoriously slow as a search engine, and ChatGPT is even slower. Additionally, ChatGPT is very similar to Alexa and other virtual assistants, but without the capability to perform such tasks as purchasing the items on the grocery list it has the power to generate. These limitations may lead consumers away from AI searches and towards virtual assistants, which they are already familiar with.

              As this new technology is implemented, I am curious to see how and if perceptions of Microsoft will change. Google is synonymous with search, and Microsoft has previously been behind the game when it comes to Bing. However, if they are the first to roll out this new technology, consumer perception may shift and searching on Bing and ChatGPT could increase in popularity.

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One Response

  1. McGuirejs20 says:

    AI in search is changing the game of search, and it is interesting to see Microsoft leading this charge. I like how you mentioned that Microsoft Bing has normally come behind Google in market share and popularity, maybe this unique approach to search will help them regain ground.

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