SEO for Car Dealerships

SEO is only becoming more and more important when consumers are in search for a vehicle. When buying a car, many consumers first spend a lot of time researching. Obviously, this is typically done on the internet. This means that it is vitally important that car dealerships can present deep information of their vehicles, and as much as possible. One way of doing this is through videos. A statistic from Google states that video influences 75% of automobile shoppers. This is a vast majority of potential sales, and if dealerships don’t present quality videos they are missing out on some business. A lot of these videos are researched by consumers on YouTube. This is a great place for Dealers to upload these videos as it gets a lot of traffic from people who want in depth reviews of a product. YouTube is a great tool for customers to discover new vehicles and compare them. Another aspect car dealers heavily rely on is good data. It’s vitally important to supply sufficient information on their websites because a car is a big investment, which causes consumers to do in depth research. Data also allows dealers to see patterns in consumer searches, which can range greatly when people are searching for vehicles. People also don’t always know exactly what they want when looking for a car, so it is important to be relevant in broad searches as well as specific ones. Car dealers need to know which topics they should be visible for. Once searchers get a better idea of what they want, it is important to be relevant in more specific searches. For example, a consumer may search “new trucks.” Then they may search “new trucks under $30,000.” It’s important that car dealerships understand what their customers are looking for and dominate that search market. One last vital SEO tool for car dealerships is the “near me” search. This search has become much more popular over the last 5 years, and greatly affects consumer’s buying decisions. According to Hedges and Company, following 2017 a 200% increase in “near me” searches occurred relating to car and truck dealers. Hence, it is vitally important that automotive dealerships first make sure they are relevant in “near me” searches, and then expand their market. As SEO continues to change, it is only going to become more important to the automotive industry.

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One Response

  1. McGuirejs20 says:

    This is a really interesting idea for the car market. Buying a car requires a lot of factors, and it is difficult to get those factors all within one search. By improving the SEO of dealers, consumers are able to find their end product faster. Maybe this will even bring the price of cars down.

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