SEO “Role Model” Brands

Countless companies out there are competing for traffic through popular search engines, but there are several brands that stick out at SEO “role models.” These companies know how to use SEO effectively, and we can pinpoint specific characteristics about each brand that make them successful.

For instance, Macy’s builds traffic and revenue by organizing its site in such a way that multiple paths can lead to the same product. An example of this would be if a dress could be found by visiting multiple pages such as “Sale,” “Dresses,” or “Prom.” In cases like these, SEO specialists utilize canonical URLs to prevent duplicate URLs from competing with one another as search results while also generating traffic by allowing customers to reach a product in multiple ways.

Etsy is another brand that utilizes SEO effectively. In this case, Etsy excels at generating lots of unique content that attracts a wide variety of customers. Etsy also keeps a daily blog with more content and stories about Etsy’s goods and merchants, which is a great way to connect with current and potential customers.

Rei, and outdoor goods/gear brand, utilizes SEO effectively on their site by optimizing their products and media to load as quickly as possible on the page. This prevents customers from becoming impatient and clicking out of the site to find somewhere else to shop. Tools such as “Pingdom” or “Web Page Test” can help website developers test their site to find out how long the site takes to load.

Finally, Luna Sandals, a company that sells minimalist footwear, implements effective SEO in the form of unique, detailed product descriptions. Product descriptions are a great place to include unique content about your products and incorporate target keywords. SEO experts recommend companies to use 300-500 words in their product descriptions.

Overall, there is much to be learned from brands that are successful at using SEO. Site organization, canonical URLs, unique content, fast loading, and detailed product descriptions are all important tools to remember when optimizing your site.

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3 Responses

  1. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    This is a great way to see how other companies use SEO in unique ways on their websites! It might seem simple, but many people can get creative with SEO like using multiple links to get to one page or writing detailed product descriptions. Not a lot of people think about the variety and opportunities that SEO gives!

  2. hoviscc22 says:

    Looking at the companies that utilize SEO techniques best is really helpful for businesses looking to understand SEO. There are many complex ways to achieve SEO greatness, you just have to find your niche in doing so. This is a good blog that illustrates the many different ways you can leave your mark on the internet.

  3. nuzumrk22 says:

    Great topic for a post! Looking into what these brilliant SEO minds are doing is crucial to not only learning and understanding but to succeed in your own SEO journey. I really liked how you mentioned what Macy’s is doing to cut down duplicate URLs so users can find the product they need as quickly and efficiently as possible. That’s a super necessary action to cut down on customer frustration. Good point.

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