Bing crossed with ChatGPT

Microsoft is trying its hands with the new AI-powered search trend. They have recently released their first preview of the new search tool. Which allows for a more conversation-like experience. For example, you can ask it to help you make an itinerary for your upcoming trip. To help you with some code. Or to even create a quiz for you. I have played with ChatGPT a good bit, and I would assume that Microsoft would have the resources for an even better version. This will change how we think about keywords so that when someone asks these different types of questions. Our website will come up and be involved in the conversation.

Instead of people searching directly for hotels in Hawaii. And targeting that segment. Those hotels now have to find a way to be involved in the conversation between the AI and the user. It will be interesting to see how keyword search changes, if at all. To adapt to this AI-driven new medium.

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3 Responses

  1. botkintj19 says:

    I have read something similar to this. This is going to be helpful in search in general, but it will ultimately appeal to the older generation.

  2. AMealy says:

    I think we’re about to experience with AI the biggest wave of technology since the launch of the World Wide Web. While AI has certainly been prevalent for a while, ChatGPT’s launch is a huge step in making AI accessible for everyday tasks and, soon, becoming a household name. I expect SEO strategies to need to match these changes, or websites without AI interaction will be left behind.

  3. nakhlacn17 says:

    I feel like the implications for these kinds of AI tools are insane. Google as we know it today might be completely replaced not that far from now.

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