SEO Tools Abound

One of the biggest takeaways from this class so far for me has been the abundance of SEO tools that exist to help businesses optimize their websites. It seems like every single class, Professor Sweet introduces another group of tools.

Really, this should not be surprising – SEO can mean big money for businesses, so naturally there is big money in SEO, too. It does make me wonder, though, how many businesses actually use these SEO tools and take advantage of the opportunities that are out there to improve their SEO and recognition.

I would think that a small business owner taking even just a weekend to really improve their company website’s SEO would be very beneficial to the traffic brought to the website by Google and other search engines. From the tools that Professor Sweet has showed us in class, it is evident that basic SEO improvements are not difficult nor complicated.

Actually, doing some basic SEO would likely benefit business owners in a second way, too – it would help them think about and understand their customers better. After all, when you really boil it down, SEO is just trying figure out how to reach a target customer more effectively.

Business owners should be sure to take advantage of the abundance of SEO tools that exist and spend some time really thinking about who their customers are and how they can better reach them. After all, SEO is a big business with big money, and good SEO can help bring some of that money to businesses that use it.

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One Response

  1. LinnikED20 says:

    You are so right, the amount of tools that we have at our fingertips that can benefit others or ourselves is amazing.

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