Microsoft to ad Chat GBT like features to Bing Search Browser.

Microsoft is integrating the technology behind ChatGPT into their Bing search engine. Their primary reason for doing this is to steal some market share away from Google who is the leading search engine, as we well know. The improved Bing interface will include a redesigned search bar that is much smaller and presents itself as a conversation bot rather than a search engine, stating “ask me anything” instead of “search”. This month Google has announced its own Artificial intelligence service scheduled to go public in the coming weeks.

One of the key differences between the current and the Bing Chat box to come is references. The new Bing AI will reference the websites that it draws information from. However, some experts on generative Ai technology say there still could be some problems. The most significant problem is the occasional response that contains made up information. They are also expensive to run and sometimes slow.

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3 Responses

  1. testacr22 says:

    I think this is a really interesting development in the world of AI. I feel like the internet has been the relatively same concept since Google’s conception in 1998. Having a tool that can actually help you search is going to be a game changer. Having a conversational search will make it easier and possibly less intimidating to find the things that you need on the internet.

    • MiaCamp says:

      I think the idea of creating a search engine aimed at creating a conversation is a really smart idea. I think by making the search bar say “ask me anything” instead of “search” gives it a more personal approach.

  2. douglassej22 says:

    The move Microsoft took to have Bing take away market share from Google is a very bold move because of how well-known Google is compared to Bing. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few years, and if Bing actually grows from this business decision!

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