Resense & SEO

Resense & SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a very useful and powerful tool. Personally, running a company in a very niche market it can be quite helpful. At Resense we are trying to reach multiple and distinct markets. Mainly, adults living with dementia and their careparters. So, reaching them and their needs is crucial for us. I use search engine optimization in our website currently. We create a product called The Connect + Comfort Kit which is a toolkit for individuals living with dementia. So, when we curate our keywords and the target searches that we want to rank on google for, we want to be near something related to these toolkits. Currently we rank on google for:

Making connections activities.
Living books sampler
Living books.

To me, this list is subpar because it does reach all of the markets that we are looking for. Resense is a great one to rank for, but that is our own name. Making connections activities is one of the products in our box but it is not the entire kit.

In the future I would like to rank for:

Dementia Boxes
Dementia Activities
Activities for Dementia.
I feel like these keywords fit our company much better and will allow us to get a much broader reach to our customers. How have I already started to work on this? I have made sure that all of our H1 and heading tags include the tagline “Dementia activities toolkits” and that all of our photos include alt text with the same thing. I have also started to be very intentional with the copy text that is on the website, so when google crawls the website it can easily be picked up for those pages. SEO is something that I enjoy working on and I am excited to start seeing how I can optimize my website even more.

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