SEO Trends Every Marketer Needs to Know

The SEO world is constantly changing, so it is very important to stay on top of trends and frequently get insight on the best ways to market your sight. According to Zen Media, the top trend for 2023 is to use TikTok to promote SEO efforts. They say TikTok is here to stay, recently surpassing Instagram as the world’s number one app for sharing photos and videos. The best tips for SEO on TikTok are to use hashtags, include keywords, create videos based on a niche market, and create videos with relevant content. For example, if you have a fitness channel, making a video titled, “Best Workouts for Beginners” and using keywords and hashtags with relevant terms would attract more viewers who are actually interested in this fitness content.

Another important SEO trend is to know the user. You could do tons of detailed research and use what you may think are the best keywords, but if you don’t really uncover your target user, you will be aiming in the wrong direction. User experience, what your user thinks and feels, is extremely important to get to know your user better. The main goal is to ultimately solve the user’s problem, which can only happen if you uncover their specific wants and needs.

Lastly, AI is here to stay, according to Zen Media (and many other sources). There are several ways to implement AI into marketing campaigns like email automation, using chatbots to answer the customer’s questions, and in website personalization. Using different AI techniques can really set your website apart from the rest, and increase the value you are bringing to your potential and current customers.

The three SEO trends I mentioned are just the beginning of trends we will see throughout 2023 that will help optimize your SEO efforts. The main takeaway (and probably most important in SEO) is to know the user you’re trying to target. If you do this properly, SEO efforts will be almost effortless.


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2 Responses

  1. douglassej22 says:

    I agree! TikTok has become a great marketing tool that companies should implement. Using the right hashtags and keywords are important, and can have a great pay off if a business finds the right niche. Knowing your audience is definitely key to SEO, and AI is one more way to help grow your business as well.

  2. Emma Rossi says:

    This is a really interesting look at SEO in the very modern sense. I agree that it is essential to stay on trend.

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