7 steps to create search optimized content

When reading the article, SEO writing: 7 Steps to Create Search Optimized Content, there was a lot of useful information on taking your website to the next level. The article goes into depth about how a website can be very clean and well done but never be found while searching for the content. One thing I really enjoyed about this article was that it related very well to what we have been learning in class. I am going to highlight my favorite aspects throughout the blog post

First, knowing the searchers need when they search the target word is very important. This is going to take a lot of research and reflection on what the goal of your website is and how can you best focus on the needs of the customer through what they would search.

Next you have to give the best possible answer to a search query. I found this very interesting because of the search personas that we just finished and how they relate to what the customer is asking or looking for. There are so many people that create websites without thinking of what the customer is looking for or why they have a specific need.

Lastly, presenting an answer that is easy to understand and read is very important. If your website it easy to find but it takes until page 4 to get the answer the user is looking for, then you are doing something wrong. Below is an example of how simple and easy it it to understand the best times to post on the gram. The results pop up right away and there is access to other materials.

I really enjoyed reading about this because of how it related to our class and I hope any readers can take something away from this article as well.

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One Response

  1. guidajt22 says:

    I really enjoyed reading this post and it definitely does cover a lot of what we covered in class especially about what customers think and the persona brain behind the search. Interesting fact about Instagram, I have a friend in the photography business, and he always has been teaching me the algorithms behind when people are on Instagram the most so that he gets the most engagement on his content.

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