7 steps to get your website to the top of Google search results

With Google always changing their algorithms it may be tough to find ways to stay at the top or obtain top SERP from Google. This article does a great job of giving helpful tips and advice to raise your website on the search engine results.

1. Write about relevant long-tail keywords

Keyword strategy is crucial to making it high on Google search. These long-tail keywords usually include 3 or more words. Be specific.

2. Optimize your website’s content

Keep optimizing your website wording and put time and effort into it. Create excellent headings and tags. Make easy to read blog posts.

3. Develop a content strategy (and use it)

This will help to add flow to your website and if you need help you can always hire someone to assist you during this process.

4. Blog, and blog a lot

Updating your blogs will help tremendously. Post unique valuable content and Google will notice.

5. Get high-quality backlinks

This establishes trustworthiness and credibility to your site. Be careful who you get backlinks from, however.

6. Keep your ‘Google My Business’ updated

This is a great opportunity to market and drive more traffic to your website. Keep your profile up to date and relevant so that Google will raise your results and give you more customer views.

7. Analyze, Refine, Repeat

  • Analyze your site and identify where things are going wrong
  • Refine your site by improving on the parts that are failing you
  • Repeat this process until you see real result

These steps are pivotal in raising your SERP and getting you more users for your website.

How To Get To The Top Of Google in 7 Steps – Digital Marketing Agency Charlotte, Greensboro, Salisbury NC (emtwodigital.com)

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3 Responses

  1. AMealy says:

    These are excellent tips – clear, specific, and practical. I’m surprised to hear tip 4, “Blog, and Blog a Lot.” It makes sense that staying involved in improving the website will increase its reputability, but I find it surprising that Google looks for regular publishing of blogs with unique content.

  2. fiscuseg21 says:

    These are great tips for optimizing a website to position it well on the SERP! I like how you mentioned continually creating content for a site using a clear content strategy. Content should be carefully planned and written to target keywords and create value for users visiting the site. I also like your ‘Analyze, Refine, Repeat,’ step, because it is a reminder that we can constantly update our content to make our sites more relevant.

  3. Emma Rossi says:

    This is a very useful resource! The details you included are very informative as well.

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