Four Takeaways from Google’s Updated Link Guidance

Google has updated their guidance for best practice with links, here are 4 key takeaways from the new information.

  1. title attribute can work as an anchor link. The title attribute works as an anchor link in case the anchor is missing, both providing simialr information. If users want to just use a title attribute, they would simply need to put it in the heading of the link.
  2. Extra Long Anchor Text is Bad. Google recommends that users avoid long anchor text and they should aim for more concise text. The objective is to describe the link by adding descriptive text as the content. The description allows for users to find more specific links that match their search requirements
  3. Context and Natural Language Important for Link Anchor Text. The article talks about how new AI is focused on learning natural language to optimize search. Google’s algorithm’s do not have a ranking system for the types of keywords used. Therefore, it is important to write in a clear descriptive manner that can easily be identified. It is key to not try and cram every keyword into the text.
  4. Do Not Chain Link. This is when a user adds links close to each other, which the article says causes confusion This makes it harder for users to distinguish between links.

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