History of SEO

The first recorded acronym of SEO dates back to 1997, as of this moment in time, SEO has been around for two decades. SEO became more and more popular as companies started to realize that operating as directories, or what you would see in a big mall/store, that is how companies like Yahoo would get recognized. But there were problems with directories like for example, companies weren’t prominently placed in the directories that they should have been, that is where SEO comes in. Over the years SEO has become pivotal, and it has developed and expanded into a greater tool that can be used by businesses if they want to get moving in the right direction. It seems like SEO is a required aspect of todays world, without it we probably wouldn’t be making the progress that we are making right now.

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One Response

  1. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    It’s amazing to think that even in 20 years, SEO has developed so much that we now have specific strategies to gain clicks and increase views on our websites. I think that operating as a directory for other sources instead of being the only answer is a much more efficient way to help consumers and increase visibility.

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