SEO Statistics You Should Know

Developing a well-functioning website that integrates SEO may seem like a challenge initially, but in 2023 it is essential for business owners hoping to reach their audience. Here are three interesting statistics about the world of searching to convince you of your need for SEO.

  1. Organic searches are preferred 9 of 10 times.

If you as a website creator are ever discouraged by the competitive obstacle of paid search results, this statistic should encourage you to continue developing your site’s SEO. Most Internet users will still scroll the extra inches to get to the sites whose content is organically placed on the SERP.

2. Three times more leads come from Content Marketing than traditional marketing.

While traditional marketing still holds a valuable place in the business world, the future has become the present in regard to content marketing. SEO boosts your content marketing to another level and can give your business the leads it’s lacking from traditional marketing.

3. 50% of highly shared posts don’t use links.

Are you bogged down by the chore of littering your content with links? This statistic shows that it may not always be worth your time. SEO is versatile and doesn’t have to look the same for every piece of content. If your link-less content is quality, then leave the links behind.


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One Response

  1. stewarttk20 says:

    i liked your post idea and the research that you obviously looked into. all the stats made sense and none were particularly shocking but still really relevant to us.

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