Voice Search In SEO

Search in SEO has changed a lot over the past few years. One of the ways it has changed is through voice search and more companies should add it to their SEO strategy. Voice search SEO comes with a lot benefits. On a weekly basis, a study says there are 21% of people who will voice search, with a 53% of people who voice search while driving. Another study says it takes 8.8 seconds to load an average search page, while a voice search result page only takes 4.6 seconds. The Google voice search also has a 95% accuracy rate for the English language. Voice search makes googling more accessible for people with disabilities as well. It is also local based because it is used more during driving. Learning about your target audience and who would be using voice search is important to doing SEO correctly. Millennials are more likely to use voice search than Gen Z or the Baby Boomer generations. Different smart devices and voice assistants also are large parts of SEO. A company’s keywords might have to be different because they are based on words people say and not what people would type, but the strategy for voice is the same as normal text so a company does not have to create separate SEO strategies. Integrating voice search something to implement into a company’s marketing and could really add to a business.

Link to article: Entrepreneur | Is This Untapped Market the Key to Your Business Growth?

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2 Responses

  1. fiscuseg21 says:

    The concept of voice search affecting SEO is really interesting! I’ve never really thought much about the differences between type-search and voice-search, but the way people search using their voice is definitely different from the way they search when they are typing something into Google. For me personally, I know my searches tend to be more ‘wordy’ when I use voice search compared to when I type my search out. Understanding these differences and determining which users tend to use voice search more often can certainly help companies use SEO more effectively.

  2. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    I never even considered that optimizing your voice search could work as an SEO strategy! It makes sense because you can optimize your text, visual, and video content, so why not your audio content? Great post!

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