Bing: Limitations to New AI Chat Messages

Microsoft just released its new AI chat messenger; however, it already has some limitations for the users. For starters the user can only send 50 messages per day.

Bings new chat messenger has had high praise for users in early testing. The feedback from users have been good overall, with 71% of users giving it a thumbs up. The users experienced a back and forth with Bing and were able to explore many topics. However, after 15 or so questions it becomes repetitive.

Microsoft has made some changes already to their software and made the answers accessible in 5 turns instead of 15, with only a fraction going over 50 questions in order to find the right answer. After a chat session hits five turns, users will be prompted to start a new topic (which limits the user). The context will be cleared at the end of each chat session, so the model doesn’t get confused. To start a new session, users can click on the broom icon to the left of the search box for a fresh start.

Other updates include; plans to improve the grounding data for queries that need timely data such as live sports scores, adding a toggle for more control on the precision versus creativity of the answer to tailor it to a user’s query, adding a tool to refresh the context or start from scratch, and giving users more fine-tuned control.

This type of innovation is interesting and can be useful, but it did come with some hiccups. However, Microsoft is committed to daily improvement and will continue to provide regular updates on the changes and progress made.

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One Response

  1. stewarttk20 says:

    yall bing lowkey is completely irrelevant now. not to hate or anything, also i liked your post, but it really is. also i never understood the name.

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