Importance Of Title Tags

Firstly, let us look at what a title tag is. It is just simply the headline of an SERP, search engine results page. If you Google something in the search bar and enter it the title tags are the relevant searches that pop up with that similar description. It is the first thing people and that is why it is extremely important to make sure you get it right. People will base whether or not your website can give them what they want based on if your title page is relevant to what they are looking for. Your title tag basically gives a very brief description of your content is about.

A good title tag is your way of maximizing your exposure as much as possible to those that see it. Basic strategies to have and effective title tag are as follows:

  • keep it short, 60 characters or less
  • make sure your title tag and headline are similar but not the EXACT same
  • make sure your title tag is RELEVANT to your content, keywords should be at the beginning so that search engines and people can see that it actually is relevant to what they are looking for

There are of course more steps to get into but these are just some of the basics to get a relevant good Title tag started.

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2 Responses

  1. marshallce21 says:

    This is a very clear and concise summary of the importance of the title tag, and it is definitely useful in providing the guidelines for best success with SEO content. It’s interesting to learn the importance of an element that may seem insignificant when we are viewing a webpage, but has such a drastic effect on organic traffic. These are steps that I will certainly consider moving forward when developing my site.

  2. botkintj19 says:

    Title tags are very important when it comes to SEO. Google often pulls from the title tag when surfacing your content. It’s important to know what Google looks for when posting your content.

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