Old School vs. New School SEO

I am always surprised by how such little time can have drastic effects on the way things function. SEO is no exception to the patterns of rapid change in our tech-driven world. The term “black hat” SEO denotes keyword stuffing, invisible text, cloaking, comment spam, et cetera, practices that in older times were a norm. AI upgrades have brought a change in both the way people search and in the way people optimize. Repetition which may have gotten a site high on the SERP previously, may now boot it from the scene entirely. These changes make the competition high maintenance. They, however, are not a bad thing particularly because they allow for creative content to compete against repetitive content. The change in AI has been a positive one because it is on its way to aligning the results with what actually makes a quality site for the user rather than simply crafted flags for obvious relevance in a search.

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2 Responses

  1. stewarttk20 says:

    it is honestly insane how a few years can change so much. personally as much as i love tecnology i think id be way more of an outdoorsy person if i hadnt grown up with tecnology but i also wouldnt have played webkinz and that it itself would be tragic

  2. marshallce21 says:

    It’s super interesting to see how rapidly different aspects of technology have advanced in a short period of time. You wouldn’t think that something as small as SEO would have such significant changes, but there are so many small updates that are improving optimization drastically. For example, the creation of AI allows websites to be much more creative with content than in the past.

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