once upon a time

there was a computer. Now that computer had the magical power of telling you anything you wanted to know. But it wasn’t exactly that easy. in order for this magical device to tell you all you wish to know, you had to tell it the right words. Once you did though the whole world was yours to know. When the computer first appeared the world was shocked and scared. Governments were scared for a turnover of power and scientist were curious where it came from. to this day this device continues to scare and amaze people all over the world.

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2 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    While this post was ironic in some sense, it is valid to say that the invention of the computer drastically changed the world. Access to information has never been this reachable and it has enabled widespread knowledge for users.

  2. Ruthie Cooley says:

    Also, if you have the attention span to keep reading the search results! I for one though am still scared and amazed. It’s a mystery to me.

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