Personality Tests & SEO

I read an article about how people who work in SEO have a certain type of personality. There are several tests that you can take to determine this.

Holland Codes are a set of traits that measure your interest in broadly defined groups of activities. Because they’re broad, and because they’re specifically designed for career selection, Holland Codes are a good high-level indicator for the kinds of careers you would enjoy.

The Big Five are measures of your temperament (as opposed to interests or values) across five broad traits. The Big Five is the most widely accepted measure of personality in the scientific and psychological community. It is theorized that most other stable personality traits we can think of, such as warmth or modesty can largely be predicted with these more-broad traits. The Big Five is the basis for many other psychological inventories.

DISC is a (typically online) assessment consisting of multiple-choice questions. Some variants include lists of loosely related words to be placed into order of preference. These answers are turned into a report all about you and your personality. DISC stands for: Dominance or Decisiveness, Influence or Interactivity, Steadiness or Stability, and Conscientiousness or Caution.

There are also Written Evaluations, Critical Incidents, Graphic Rating Scales, Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales, Forced Comparisons, and Group Order ranking method. 

All-in-all, most folks who are a part of SEO have these traits: investigative, conventional, enterprising, artistic, social, realistic, extroverted, open, socially responsible, agreeable, and conscientious.

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3 Responses

  1. talkorf19 says:

    Interesting to see that they have test for almost everything now and how even jobs are using this during the hiring/interviewing process as well. Whereas 50 years ago, this is something that would probably be laughed at but now it is very much apart of our culture and seems to have some proven truth and results to it as well. I also did not know what made an SEO personality until now.

  2. stewarttk20 says:

    i personally (no pun intended;) love personality test! especially the myers-briggs! i am an ENFP and im completely thriving!

  3. marshallce21 says:

    I think it is very interesting that you were able to find a connection between careers in SEO and personality traits. I have always found personality tests to be super helpful in determining what career path is best, but I never really considered SEO. I’m curious whether my personality would be a match for this career or not.

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