Search Engine Optimization and Coding: H1 Tags

While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is mainly utilized by business owners, there is a link between SEO and computer science as well. This can be seen specifically through the use of H1 Tags.

              For the business owner, H1 Tag is the title of the post or page. The H1 Tag is displayed as the biggest title on your page and should appear on the first line. It is imperative that the H1 Tag includes the keyword.  This title tells users what they can expect on your page. The user should be able to quickly glance at your H1 tag and know what the page will discuss. This is important for users who skim your site and quickly decide whether to keep reading or to exit the page or site entirely.

              While H1 Tags are important for the front end of your website, they are also key for the backend coding of your website. I am not a computer science major, so thankfully programs like WordPress and Squarespace make this process easy. This is important because H1 Tags help search engines understand your content. Along with your users, it is imperative that Google and other search engines know what is on your site from a quick glance. This will allow search engines to recommend your page to the right people and led to better conversion rates on your site and page.

              It is interesting to see to see the overlap of business and computer science in SEO. H1 Tags are important and should describe your pages content. This allows users and search engines alike to understand what they can expect. This will tell users whether or not to keep reading, and search engines whether or not to recommend your page.

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3 Responses

  1. botkintj19 says:

    That is interesting to notice that overlap. I am not a computer programmer or a computer science major at all. However, I can recognize that the H1 is very important especially in SEO.

  2. Ruthie Cooley says:

    I know nothing about computer programming, but I am excited to learn more about it in light of SEO. H1 tags are such a clear place to draw attention to that connection. Programming seems like such a wide-spanning field I am not surprised that it touches SEO and, I am sure, many other subjects.

  3. welkersg21 says:

    I would agree, the overlap between computer science and business is something that I never really thought about until learning more about SEO. I am currently also learning that basics of computer programing in another course so this post was helpful in connecting these two classes for me.

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