The SEO of EBay

EBay is another search engine where people go to find things. Except since it functions as a marketplace they had to create a system to best optimize that. Ebay has its own internal search engine, Cassini, which works better with its marketplace style. It takes into account not only ad compliance, but also the seller performance, return policy, and many other parameters. This helps the searcher see how creditable the seller is. Cassini also looks for high-quality photos. To help make sure the searcher can best see what they are buying and to have a higher quality experience. EBay offers a service called Terapeak analytics to help with keyword research. They also have a category system to help people find your item while searching for a generic term.

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3 Responses

  1. marshallce21 says:

    It is interesting to see that EBay has its own system for SEO that allows it to gain a better understanding of how to improve user-experience. As such a large company, I’m sure that having access to specific analytics and data is very helpful in developing their website. Reading this example makes me wonder if it is common for large companies to have their own search engine and analytics.

  2. AMealy says:

    This is really interesting from a customer’s perspective. I can absolutely see the effects of their SEO strategies for a given search on Ebay. I assume that they are looking at number of photos, image file type, resolution, contrast, color, etc. versus utilizing object recognition when optimizing according to photos.
    I wonder how Ebay’s SEO tools and strategies compare with Amazon or Walmart.

  3. says:

    Great post! it’s interesting how eBay has its own internal search engine called Cassini, which takes into account various parameters like seller performance, return policy, and high-quality photos to ensure a credible and high-quality experience for the searcher. EBay also offers Terapeak analytics to help with keyword research and a category system to help people find your item while searching for a generic term.

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