5 Common SEO Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

By Caroline Marshall

When writing SEO, it is important to know that there are many scenarios in which things can potentially go wrong. In order to optimize content, it is important to develop an awareness of the common errors that may arise.

The best way to find a problems within your SEO content is to look at the results found on the search engine results page (SERP). If your website content is missing elements, then it is less likely to appear at the top of the SERP. Therefore, it is crucial to find the underlying issues to prevent them from getting worse.

5 Common SEO Mistakes

1. Low-Quality Content

When content is low-quality, it completely loses it’s purpose and becomes useless to all web users.

When you recognize low-quality content, it should be removed immediately. This will prevent a poor user-experience and will lower the bounce rate on your website. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave after visiting just one page of your website.

In doing this, you will increase the likelihood of bringing in revenue from advertisements and other channels.

2. Low-Quality Links

When it comes to poor SEO content, low-quality links are one of the most common mistakes. If a low-quality link is pointing to your site, users are less likely to interact with it. These links can come from:

  • Spam sites
  • Sites that lack content
  • Unrelated websites

Any website that does not provide quality and relevant content to your site is considered a low-quality link and should not be associated with your page.

3. Duplicate Content

Google will often penalize websites that create duplicate content to an existing page. If the content on your page can be found elsewhere, users may determine that it does not provide useful information.

Additionally, it is confusing to users when two websites provide the same information. They may have a hard time differentiating between the two.

Creating original content can help it to stand out and appeal to the interests of different people.

4. Keyword Stuffing

In the world of SEO, “keyword stuffing” is another term for “content spamming.” Many websites fill their first paragraph and title with keywords to put themselves at the top of search engine results.

While this might seem like an effective strategy, it is a risk that is not worth taking. If Google catches on to the spamming, they will penalize your site and remove content.

5. Overuse of Anchor Texts

Keywords or “anchor texts” should be used naturally and strategically throughout the web page. Using the same keyword multiple times in a row is considered an over-optimization of the word and is a mistake that should be avoided.

Some general guidelines for this include:

  • Only use five to 10 different words in each paragraph
  • Do not repeat a word more than three times in a paragraph


There are many common mistakes that can be made when creating SEO content. These errors may seem minor, but are crucial to recognize to boost rankings on the search engine results page. If left unedited, your website may lose out on organic traffic and potential revenue. In following these tips, you can get your web site on track for optimal SEO content.



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3 Responses

  1. Mia Campagna says:

    I agree that the things you mentioned are common SEO mistakes that will lower your chance of converting a potential customer. I know if I am not satisfied with a website, I will immediately click off of it, which will higher the bounce rate for that site as you mentioned. Great post!

  2. guidajt22 says:

    This is very similar to a lot that we have been learning in class and truly validates a lot of the information we have been learning. Also did not know we could just copy and paste the website content..? Anyways, couldn’t agree more with the content here very accurate and well ordered.

  3. douglassej22 says:

    These are great tips to avoiding making mistakes. I think that companies really need to be careful about what they write. Duplicating content is dangerous and can hurt your ranking in Google search results. I also agree that companies need to watch for not giving enough information and not having good links.

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