SEO: 7 Steps to Optimal Content

by Caroline Marshall

Search engine optimization (SEO) is more than just writing, it’s a crucial element that helps your website to show up in the top search results. However, in order to create optimal content for the search engine, there are several specific techniques that are essential. This guide will provide you with the perfect approach to putting out excellent SEO writing.


  • Writing for SEO
  • Importance
  • 7 Steps to Optimal Content

Writing for SEO

What does it mean to write for SEO?

SEO writing is the process of writing content with the goal of ranking on the first page of search engines like Google. In order to do this successfully, one must focus on three things:

  1. Know your searchers intent when they search your target keyword. What results are they expecting to come up?
  2. Create the best possible result to potential search questions. Provide plenty of research to back up information.
  3. Make information simple and readable. Also, make sure that the page is visually appealing.

Once you have completed these three things, then you can get into more specifics by learning to add elements like code, links, tags, etc.


It is important to learn SEO writing because Google is estimated to get approximately 8.5 billion searches a day. This indicates that Google is being used frequently to find information.

In addition, ranking high on a Google search brings in free traffic, which means you are bringing in money for your business.

Paid advertising is becoming costly, and social media engagement engagement is becoming competitive. This makes organic search engine traffic an important channels for businesses to invest in.

7 Steps to Optimal Content

1. Research SERPs for your intended keyword

It is highly important to understand the search intent of the user during SEO writing. Oftentimes businesses choose a key word that brings up the wrong search results. Therefore, it is important to check the search engine results page (SERP) to ensure that your website is a top result.

Also, it is important to include words found in featured snippets that appear at the top of the SERP. This can be found with Keywords Explorer.

2. Create an outline of your article

Creating an outline of your content is essential for SEO writing because it speeds up the writing process and ensures that the piece is high quality.

3. Write your draft

Writing a draft is crucial to the writing process because it help you to narrow down ideas, research content, and find the flow of your content. It gives you the opportunity to change and revise the content of the article before editing the format.

4. Get feedback and revise the draft.

When possible, receiving feedback on a draft can be extremely helpful in creating the best article possible. Allowing others to critique your work can allow you to gain a new and fresh perspective. The more opinions you can get, the better your writing will become.

5. Edit and format the draft into an article

Invest in an editor or edit your content yourself. In order to create optimal SEO content, your goal should be: provide the best possible answer in the fewest possible words.

Try and ask yourself the following questions while editing:

  • Is the best answer I can give?
  • Am I providing a simple explanation?
  • Is this easy to skim and still get information?

As for some other tips, it is important to create a layout that is organized and visually appealing to website visitors. Simple words, short stretches of text, and images are key to optimal SEO content.

6. Set SEO elements and publish

In order to achieve SERP rankings, it is important to include elements of on-page SEO, such as:

  • Title tag
  • Meta description
  • Open graph tag
  • URL slug
  • Page or post categorization
  • Image alt text

These elements will enhance technical aspects of the page and make it bring it higher in search engine rankings. Refer to this guide for more info.

7. Update internal links

After publishing your post, add internal links that will help search engines and users navigate to it. This will make the site more user-friendly and help Google to establish what your site is about.

To find relevant links, look at the results of key word searches to find articles that relate to your topic. Aim to add three to five internal links to every article (the more the better)!


To create optimal SEO content, it is important to provide the best answer possible in a way that is easy to skim. Following these steps will provide the guidance needed to boost your website to the top of the search engine results page!

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